Mercy Ministries

Bringing the love of Jesus to each individual we serve through food, education and empowerment.

 Mercy Ministries is compassionately providing food, education and care to hundreds of children and their communities in Zambia, Africa.

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Help to provide food and education to orphans and the vulnerable in Zambia.

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Chifundo School

At Mercy Ministry’s Chifundo School, students who otherwise would not have any chance of education are instead encouraged and challenged by their teachers and caring staff. Life skills and further education are all ways these children grow and are cared for.


Widows and Orphans Project

Through Mercy Ministry’s Widow’s and Orphans Project, HIV patients, widows and the elderly receive love through food, essentials and care through regular visits from community-based staff. Many of these individuals endure some of the most difficult circumstances — staff from Mercy Ministries compassionately stand with them.


The Madaliso Project

The Madaliso Project is a newer arm of Mercy Ministries - Madaliso Project is raising livestock for income generation - to not only provide skill-building opportunity for staff and students within Mercy Ministries, but also to begin generating funds to create a self-sustaining potential for Mercy Ministries to continue to expand their ministry.

In March 2024, Missoula Alliance Church, USA, joined the leadership, staff and students of Chifundo School to co-host a vacation Bible school for over 300 children. Here’s an indepth snapshot of the exciting and encouraging week!


Contact us for more information.
